IITA Risk Management Committee

Terms of Reference

The Risk Management Committee (RMC) was formed to develop and monitor
the Institute’s risk management process

Develop for the DG and Board approval, the Institute’s risk management framework…more

Monitor and evaluate risk assessment program at unit level across the Institute… more

Encourage the development of risk awareness and management culture for all staff and … more

Identify and review from center wide perspective the principal areas of risk management within … more

IITA Risk Management Guideline

The Institute Risk management policy is to ensure the likelihood and impact of risks occurrence are reduced, eliminated or kept to a minimum through the execution of deliberate sets of actions. This is attained via the development of a risk mitigation plan input into which is provided by this guideline. The decision to mitigate a risk should be guided by certain key questions which include;

  • Has the mitigation plan identified relevant stakeholders
  • How confident are we of successful completion of the mitigation plan
  • By what level would the risk be reduced upon implementation of the plan

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Update the risk register with the

Risk Identification Template

A Risk register is a living document which needed to be reviewed and updated from time to time in order to reflect current risk status or profile across the Institute . To achieve this, the Risk Management Committee (RMC) seeks your input into this process. Heads of unit /hub program / project leader are to help coordinate the process of identifying/reviewing risk exposures within their operations.

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